Well, let me tell you, it was no easy feat. First the layers came out perfect, but I forgot that I had put goats milk in them, so they started to gel. I realized this as I was almost finished with my whipped soap that I was going to ice them with. I had to rush and put them in the fridge to stop them from gelling. So time stood still for a while and my whipped soap was starting to set up. Well, I couldnt let it go to waste so I got the layers back out, still partially gelled, but I continued on. I think it kind of work to my advantage to a certain extent. It really was like icing a cake! I wanted to used more colors; but time was not on my side so I had to make do.
So from that experience, I now know what to do and not do, so I'm anxious to make my next decorated cake. I have several ideas going through my head for some other cakes and can't wait to get busy. Here is a pic of the completed product and maybe I can video myself making the next one. I am conflicted on how I should fragrance my cakes. Should I go with a bakery scent or just a scent that I like. This one is fragranced with Cool Water for Her and smells devine!